the contraction city - probably took this titel over from Berlin or Shanghai?
I had a great weekend with the Chapler Family. Greg, Jana, Zack and Mason welcomed me again with they warm hospitality in this relax and great city - hope to come back here next time with Dick, who has been missed the whole time. I promised to bring him next time and spend a night or two in their renovated new guest room...
az épülö város - Berlinre illetve Shanghaira emlékeztetett
A Chapler család újra fogadott Torontoban. Legközelebb már Dick-kel jövök, megigérem...
St Laurance Markt
our Saturday breakfast place with Peameal Bacon on a bun and Bagels and a real Canadian tart as treat - Mason took his two at the same time - clever boy...
St Laurance Piac, a szombati reggelink helye: Peameal Bacon szendvics, Bagel zsömle és a kanadai sütiket
Toronto and its Hall of Fame for Hockey...and its loyal citiziens...
Toronto és a hockey csapat
The boys with the sitting man Man - A fiúk és az ülö Ember
CN Tower - CN Torony
Harbourfront Centre - A kikötö
Baseball Match in Roger centre
I sneaked in to watch the last 20 min and the victory of Blue Ray, the Toronto home team - unfortunately always missed the actions as it took so long to happen. I guess I wasn't able to catch the point of the game. Probably alone it's a bit more difficult
I sneaked in to watch the last 20 min and the victory of Blue Ray, the Toronto home team - unfortunately always missed the actions as it took so long to happen. I guess I wasn't able to catch the point of the game. Probably alone it's a bit more difficult
Az elsö baseball meccsem. Az útolsó húsz percre sikerült bejutnom és átéltem a hazai csapat, Blue Ray gyözelmét. Sajnos mindig lemaradtam a meccs eseményéiröl a hosszú várakozások után. Nem sok történik a meccsen, az ötvenezer ember föleg társalgás miatt jár ki.
The Brewery District - a Szeszfözde kerület
Sunday breakfast in the Balzac's caffee
Vasárnapi reggeli a Balzac kávézóban
Sunday breakfast in the Balzac's caffee
Vasárnapi reggeli a Balzac kávézóban
A Canadian playground - perfect place to meet new people....
Egy kanadia játszótér - egy ideális hely megismerkedésre...
"Street car is coming"
"Jön a villamos"