We spent 3 weeks in Quebec, the biggest province of Canada. The only French-speaking part of this huge country caused sometimes hard time on us as our French is pretty limited and only to the "high-French". Anyway we made our way and came along beautiful landscapes, awesome National Parks, met great and lovely people, had good food (though sometimes we were disappointed with the frozen fish next to the shore), and saw plenty of wildlife - actually all the animals we had on our list: caribou, moose, black bear, beaver, beluga and other whales. And also the colourful maple trees - though to see them fully we should have stayed another one-two weeks.
The first two days we spent in Montreal.
Cycled on the Bixi bikes, an free bike concept,Montreal
The first two days we spent in Montreal.
Enjoyed the good weather and the high buildings.
Az elsö napokat Montreal-ban töltöttük,
föleg a Bixi kerékpáron.
Mount-Tremblant National ParkOur first canue-camping at Mt-Tremblant National Park. It was splendid, beautiful Le Rossi lake with pine-tree wood shore and some sandy beaches. The night was quite busy - squarels and other animals were awake.
Az elsö kenu-camping a Mt-Tremblant Nemzeti Parkban,
Rossi tón, fenyvessel körülvéve. Az éjszaka zajos volt.
Rossi tón, fenyvessel körülvéve. Az éjszaka zajos volt.

Hautes-Gorges National Park
First we climbed the highest cliff in Noth America outside the Rockies and then we canued up and down the rivier between the high cliffs. Some beavers were busy...
Elöször megmásztuk egy 1000 meter magas csúcsot,
majd a lent zajló folyón kenuztunk. A hód szorgalmasan építgette fészkét.
majd a lent zajló folyón kenuztunk. A hód szorgalmasan építgette fészkét.
Saguenay Fjord National Park
This park is famous for the whale-watching: beluga, wink whales are habitant here.
Beluga és egyéb bálnakat csodálhattunk e nemzeti parkban.

Ile Verte
In St. Laurent riview there is a little island,
Ile Verte which lighthouse we stayed for a night.
St Laurent folyó egyik szigetén, illetve annak világítótornyábantöltöttünk egy éjszakát. A folyóparton csodálatos volt sétálni.

Gaspesie National Park - one of the highlights in our tours. It was breath-taking beautiful landscape with trails climbing up to 1000 meter, to the Alpine tundra where the last colony of the woodland caribu lives...we had a luck to see two passing by.
Gaspesie Nemzeti Park, az útunk egyik fénypontja.
Gyönyörü tájkép, 1000 meteres csúcsokkal,
ahol alpesi tundra uralkodik.
Két rénszarvas elsétált mellettünk.
Gyönyörü tájkép, 1000 meteres csúcsokkal,
ahol alpesi tundra uralkodik.
Két rénszarvas elsétált mellettünk.

Kanada legnagyobb világító tornya.
Forillon National Park is located at the top of the Gaspesie Peninsula with coastal trails and black bears :-)
Forillon National Park is located at the top of the Gaspesie Peninsula with coastal trails and black bears :-)
Forillon Nemzeti Park a Gaspesie-Félsziget csücskén található,
...és napfelkelte.

One night we spent in one of the two castles in Quebec Chataux Bahia - made by a young Canadian in the last 30 years from wood and used now as youth hostel.
Quebec két kastélyának az egyikében szálltunk meg egy éjszakára:
egy fiatal kanadai srác építgeti az elmúlt 30 évben, fából.
The colours were still coming...
the Indian summer has not yet completely arrived.
Az indián nyár elkezdödött...
Bic National Park at the south cost of Gaspesie Peninsula with scenic shores, small islands, birds and seal colony. Here we stayed for a night in a yurt.
Bic Nemzeti Park a Gaspesie-Félsziget déli partján.
Egy apró park gyönyörü parttal, sok kis szigettel, madarakkal és fókákkal.
Egy apró park gyönyörü parttal, sok kis szigettel, madarakkal és fókákkal.
A következö két kép között 11 perc telt el: egy fantasztikus naplementében volt részünk.
The last days in Canada: Quebec city. It has a huge castle on a hill which can be seen from each part of the city. We just hanged around, meeting with two Canadian old guys - became our private guide for a while and a nice Swiss girl.
The last days in Canada: Quebec city. It has a huge castle on a hill which can be seen from each part of the city. We just hanged around, meeting with two Canadian old guys - became our private guide for a while and a nice Swiss girl.
Az utolsó napok Quebec city-ben.
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