We started at 14.00 at Elms Steiniback (1105 m), the sun was about to drop behind the mountain.
Du 2-kor kezdünk Elm-Steinibach-ban (1105m) a nap éppen lemenöben

Last steps before the skihütte

We've stayed in a small Skihütte Erbs (1700m), the sun already up at 7.30 but behind the mountain.
Erbs síházban szálltunk meg - másnap reggeli kilátás 7.30-kor
Clearly huge mountains - this was at the end of the valley -
Igazi hatalmas hegyoldalak - a sítúra a völgy végében kezdödött.

The last passage before the top: left is Grosse Chärpf, right somewhere Chli Chärpf

On the top of Chli Chärpf (2700 m) . It was really windy and chilly
A csúcson - hideg és szeles

..with the background of Grosse Chärpt (2794m)

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