Friday, August 15, 2008

Grindelwald with Sjoerd and Riaan - August 2008

At Eiger Wand stop of Jungfraujoch
Sjoerd's and Rian's Camping place at the feet of Mönch in 3400 m
Alias ...
At Mönchjochhütte (3400 m)
Riaan and Sjoerd climbing in the area of Jungfrau
The Tree Musketeers in the Alps...
Jungfrau glacier
Bachsee on the Faulhornweg
Swiss Idyl
Swiss Idyl IISjoerd's secret admirerThe Brothers
At the top of Faulhorn - 2681 m
The brothers

On the Faulhornweg
still on the Faulhordweg
and still the Faulhornweg

Monday, August 4, 2008

Engadin - August 2008

towards glacier Morteratsch

Lago Bianco

Silver See

Einsiedeln-Zürich July 2008

which way?
asfalt - panorama # 22 road from Einsiedeln to Zürich (65 km)

Swiss Bike Master - 20 July 2008

Juul Van Loon
Dick supporting his younger brother
the other supporters (Szilvia and Tibor)After 40 km uphill....
the last support....
after 8.32 hrs, 120 km, 5000 altitude difference (21 place). Well done, Juul!