Sunday, April 11, 2010

Zürich Staffelmarathon 11.April2010

Under the name "high without heels" we've run the Züri marathon with my 3 colleagues in 3 hrs 43 min - I've got the second distance (10 km) along the Zürich see - was really great!
Here still waiting for the change...
...changing the transmitter...
happy in the finish
Steven, old friend from Belgium visited me in Zürich..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jura Bike 1-3 April 2010

This weekend we started the Jura Bike (#3) which leads through Jura in East Switzerland at a lenght of 355 km from Basel to Nyon. We did the first 3 stages: Basel - Laufen (30km), Laufen-Delemont (32km) Delemont-St Ursanna (39km).On Easter Monday we set off from Basel.
Múlt hétvégén belekezdtünk a 355 km hosszú 3-as számú
Jura Bike hegyi-kerékpár túrába Kelet-Svájcban.
Baselböl indult az elsö szakasz.

At early afternoon we arrived in Laufen, the end of the first stage. We still didn't have accommodation and it didn't look really appealing. Also it was too early so we opted to adventure the second stage - though this was the very first time this year on the bike - risky.
Kora délután érkeztünk Laufenbe, az elsö szakasz végállomásába.
Majd úgy döntöttünk, hogy továbbhajtunk.
Down to the village..
Le a faluba...
...up behind the village.
...fel a falú mögött.

At 7 in the evening we finally arrived in Delemont, the end of the second stage. Next day we set off in a sparkling sunny day.
Este 7-kor érkeztünk meg a második szakasz végállomasára.
Isteni érzés volt az ágyban feküdni, noha izomzatunk tovább mozgott. Másnap szikrázó napsütésben indultunk neki a következö szakasznak.


Arriving in St. Ursanna, the end of the 3rd stage.
This small town has only 700 population but has centuries of history.
Kora délután kerekeztünk be St. Ursanna-ba, a harmadik szakasz célállomásába.
Ez egyike Svájc legkissebb városának, mindössze 700-an lakják.

Ready for the next stages...still 6 to go.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Babsi 30 - March 2010

Birthday party in Austria - "Berg ruft..."

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Eastern cookies

Just a lazy Eastern day... before the Jura bike tour...Easter sunshine
Dick's Easter cake: Banana bread
Szilvia's Easter cake: banana-dateln muffins